IM Geolocation


The Geolocation Data Format is a standardized representation of geographical coordinates—latitude and longitude—within a single value. This format ensures uniformity and compatibility in data exchange and prevents Excel from misinterpreting numerical values.

Format Specification

  • Prefix: Begin with "GEO" to denote geolocation data and to avoid Excel numerical data interpretation issues.
  • Latitude: Follow the prefix with the latitude in decimal degrees, precise to the desired level. Positive values indicate the Northern Hemisphere, negative for the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Delimiter: Use a comma , to separate latitude and longitude.
  • Longitude: Follow the delimiter with the longitude in decimal degrees. Positive for Eastern Hemisphere, negative for Western Hemisphere.

Example Format: "GEO[Latitude],[Longitude]"

Example Usage:

  • "GEO40.7128,-74.0060" for 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W.
  • "GEO-33.8688,151.2093" for 33.8688° S, 151.2093° E.

Conversion from Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds to Decimal Degrees: To convert DMS coordinates to the decimal format required by GDF, use the formula: GEOvalue = ​Degrees + Minutes/60 + Seconds/3600

The "GEO" prefix ensures clarity and system-wide compatibility. Decimal degrees format is chosen for its precision and ease of use in digital systems. This format is critical in environments where precise and unambiguous location data is required for analysis, reporting, or mapping.
