GDTI - Global Document Type Identifier


GS1 Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI) is part of the GS1 system of standards, designed to uniquely identify documents associated with goods and services in the supply chain. It applies to any document that requires a unique identifier for the purposes of storage, retrieval, and management. These documents can range from certificates of origin, warranties, and maintenance records to legal contracts and compliance documents.

Structure of GDTI

A GDTI is composed of three main components:

GS1 Company Prefix: Assigned by GS1, this prefix identifies the company or entity issuing the document. Document Type: A numerical value determined by the issuer to specify the document type (e.g., warranty, invoice, etc.). Serial Component: An optional part that can be used to identify individual instances of a document type, providing a method for issuing multiple documents of the same type. The combination of these components ensures that each GDTI is globally unique, facilitating efficient document management and retrieval.

How GDTI Works

GDTI streamlines document management in a digital environment by providing a unique identifier that can be embedded in barcode or RFID formats. This allows for easy scanning and electronic tracking of documents throughout their lifecycle, from issuance to expiration or destruction.

Applications of GDTI

Compliance and Certifications GDTI is instrumental in managing compliance-related documents, such as certificates of compliance, safety certificates, and environmental impact assessments. It ensures that the relevant documents can be quickly retrieved for audit purposes or compliance verification.

Warranty and Service Records Manufacturers and service providers use GDTI to manage warranty documents and service records, enabling them to access the history of a product’s maintenance and warranty claims efficiently.

Legal and Contractual Documents In legal contexts, GDTI helps in the management of contracts, agreements, and other legal documents by providing a clear, trackable identifier for each document, simplifying retrieval and reference.