Layer - Code Lists


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Code lists are an important part of data exchange. A code list is a controlled vocabulary of standardized values used to describe data elements consistently across and between organizations. Code lists typically consist of a list of codes, each representing a specific value or localized attributes.

Code lists can be used to ensure consistency in the way data is collected, processed, and analyzed across the entire value network, where accurate and consistent data is critical.

For example, a code list might be used to standardize country codes or units. This can help to prevent errors caused by inconsistent or inaccurate data, and can facilitate data sharing and analysis between different systems across organizations.

The IMDE code lists are publicly available and have time-based code values. This means that every code list value (e.g. country code) has a valid from date. Discontinued codes also have a valid until date (e.g. Yugoslavia ceased to exist on 15 January 1992, to the country code "YU, YUG and 891" have a valid until of 15 Jan 1992).

Code list can be downloaded as Excel files here: