DataTopic Packaging
Every item (raw material, production material, semi-finished good, finished good, handling unit) consists of one or more parts and every part is from one of the four material part types:
- Consumable (Require recurrent replacement because they are used up or transformed in their use)
- Food recipe based consumables, like drinks, dairy products, soups, et cetera.
- Feed recipe based consumables, like dog food
- Formula recipe based consumables, like lipstick, dishwash tabs and adhesives.
- Disposable (Intended to be thrown away after use)
- Durable (Can exist for a long time without significant deterioration in quality or value)
- Packaging
What is considered packaging?
Packaging means any material, container or wrapping, used for or in connection with the transport, handling, protection, marketing or sale of any Supplies, excluding any material, container or wrapping used for the containment of the Supplies.
Presentation with more details on Packaging Material data exchange
The Packing DataTopic will be able to exchange the following data:
- Material type (for example polymers, metals, paper & carton, glass & ceramics)
- Weigh & Dimensions
- Material Composition
- For polymers: % recycled content, % bio based, % from crude oil. % Other raw materials
- For carton: % paper fiber
- For glass & polymers: colour & transparancy
- Circularity Data on how to recycle, upcycle, re-use or dispose (e.g. % recycled content, % recyclable, recycling instructions)
- Printing Specs
- If needed additional data points needed for Packaging Tax declaration (packaging tax class per country)